Advised Big C Public Company
Limited oncorporate policies and procedures, as well as preparation of the relevantdocuments in
compliance with the Personal Data Protection Act B.E. 2562 (A.D.2019).
Advised Berli Jucker Public Company Limitedon corporate
policies and procedures, as well as preparation of the relevantdocuments in compliance with the
Personal Data Protection Act B.E. 2562 (A.D.2019).
Advised Asset World Public Company
Limitedon corporate policies and procedures in compliance with the Personal DataProtection Act
B.E. 2562 (A.D. 2019), as well as a related corporate trainingseminar.
Advised Kuraray GC Advanced Materials Co.,Ltd. on corporate
policies and procedures in compliance with the PersonalData Protection Act B.E. 2562 (A.D. 2019), as
well as a related corporatetraining seminar. 2020
Advised Honda Trading Asia Co., Ltd. onits personal data
protection policies and procedures in compliance with thePersonal Data Protection
Southeast Life Insurance CompanyLimited on its personal data protection policy in compliance
with thePersonal Data Protection Act.
Advised Yves Rocher (Thailand) Ltd.
onits personal data protection policy and documentation in compliance with thePersonal Data
Protection Act, as well as a related corporate training seminar.
a training seminar in relation to thePersonal Data Protection Act for Formica (Thailand)
Representation of PTT Public Company Limited,Thailand's
largest energy firm, in an oil retail spin off and THB 121 billion (USD4 billion) restructuring. PTT
Pcl restructured its oil marketing and retailbusiness, renamed PTT Oil and Retail Business Co Ltd
(PTTOR), including morethan 1,400 service stations, representing 40 percent of Thailand's
petrolstation market. The deal involved the transfer of assets, undertakings,licenses, IP and
contract in more than 20 jurisdictions. (2016-2018)
Representation of Rexel
Group, a leaderin the distribution of electrical equipment and services for the
construction,renovation and maintenance of buildings and infrastructures, in the sale of
itsoperations in South East Asia to American Industrial Acquisition CorporationGroup (AIAC), a
private equity firm. The deal valued at Euro 136 million closedin December
Representation of the management of BangkokRanch and a
group of investors on the share acquisition of Bangkok Ranch, aleading international food supplier.
The transaction involved a managementbuyout and financing through a leveraged buyout, including, (i)
structuring ashareholders’ agreement among management and investors, (ii) advising on thefinancing
and leveraged buyout, and (iii) advising on the Share PurchaseAgreement (SPA). The SPA mandated
restructuring of the seller’s group andspin-off of certain businesses. The transaction was valued at
USD 190 million.
Advised Atlas Holdings LLC in connectionwith the
acquisition of a portion of NCR Corporation.
Advised Mizuho
Securities in relation totheir internal project on the legal framework for mergers and
acquisitions inThailand.
Advised Morgan Lewis Stamford in thelegal due
diligence for Project Aztec, where Platinum Equity Advisors LLC acquiredshares in Interplex Holding
Advised BOUNCEinc (Thailand) Limited onobtaining licenses
and other legal issues in relation to business operations.
Representation of Muang Thai Life AssurancePublic Company
Limited on a retainer basis in connection with the intendeddevelopment and construction of an
office building project on Rachadapisek Road,Bangkok.
Advised Huntsworth Public
Company Limitedwith respect to Thai labour law, employment contracts and other